Other Projects

Other Projects

HPC-EUROPA: Pan-European Research Infrastucture on High Performance Computing (http://www.hpc-europa.org/?q=node/3)

GRIA: Grid Resources for Industrial Applications (http://www.gria.org/)

GridLab: A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed (http://www.gridlab.org/)

MARIDES: Maritime Decision Support Systems
The project targets to the integration of state-of-the-art technologies with operation business models followed by shipping companies and the development of innovative user-friendly interfaces for the management of the huge amount of data handles by the shipping companies.

MEMPHIS: Multilingual Content for Flexible Format Internet Premium Services (http://www.lt-world.org/kb/players-and-teams/projects/obj_61344)

ITEA-DS: Intelligent tools for emergency applications & decision support (http://www.portauthority.li.it/sitohtml/iteasumm.htm)

MKBEEM: Multilingual Knowledge Based European Electronic Marketplace (http://www.ercim.eu/publication/Ercim_News/enw46/leger.html)

EFTOS: Embedded Fault Tolerance in HP
The global objective of the project is to provide a framework for the implementation of fault tolerance in embedded supercomputing applications.

HPFIT: High Precision Fit (http://www.pdc.kth.se:81/pdcttn/machinery/IndSol/Applic/Vision/HPFIT/HPFIT_FReport.html)

EROPPA: Experiments on Remote Operations for Post Production Applications
The objective of EROPPA is to design, implement and test experiments of remote/distributed access to 3D graphics applications that run on high performance facilities for the use of Post Production SME’s.
DYNALOG: Dynamic logistics (http://peter.chan.free.fr/home/En/Prj-Dynalog.htm)

PICE: Pinpoint, Identification Clearance and Ensurance
The PICE project focuses on the realisation of a safe and cost-effective man portable multi-sensor anti-personnel mine detection system, based on a Metal Detector (MD) in combination with a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), and an Explosives Detector (ED).