Ageing presents one of the greatest socio-economic challenges of the 21st century. EU has devoted a high level of resources to ICT projects in the field of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA). As such a considerable number of open service platforms for the development of innovative solutions in the AHA domain have been created.
The project assesses the societal impact of these platforms, creates monitoring and evaluation toolkits, collects successful user stories and best practices to promote common evolution of such platforms within existing policy frameworks and initiatives.


IDENTIFY – critical success factors of the development, deployment and spread of open platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain, through a sophisticated tailor-made monitoring methodology

DEVELOP -monitoring and self-evaluation tools to support platform providers and users self-assess their success, uptake, capability gaps and evolution potentials through smart assessment and visualisation tools.

ANALYSE – existing platforms based on the created methodology, by assessing the projects and initiatives hosted by them, their further evolution, uptake, sustainability and socioeconomic benefits.

INVOLVE – end-user communities and related stakeholders to initiate a knowledge exchange cycle for collecting insights on best practices and challenges of platforms’ uptake, evolution and costs etc.

LEVERAGE – the platform uptake by their user communities as well as their continuous improvement and expansion, by elaborating and showcasing best-practice models and evaluation guidelines.

DISSEMINATE – the acquired knowledge to end-users for increasing their uptake of existing platforms, and promote best practice models and identified benefits to foster future developments.