PONTE is a European project standing for Efficient Patient Recruitment for Innovative Clinical Trials of Existing Drugs to other Indications. PONTE provides a platform following a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach that offers intelligent automatic identification of individuals eligible to participate in clinical trials (concerning their safety and clinical trial…
POLYMNIA: Personalised leisure and entertainment over cross media intelligent platforms
The POLYMNIA proposal aims to develop an intelligent cross-media platform for personalised leisure and entertainment in thematic parks or venues. The system we will develop allows the visitor to be the real protagonist in the venue. POLYMNIA caters for a great variety of media needs of the visitors: from recording…
HOLA CLOUD: Effective collaboration for European RD and Innovation in software, services and Cloud computing: Knowledge discovery and Roadmapping
HOLA CLOUD targets to establish effective mechanisms for efficient collaboration among the members of the software, services and Cloud computing community building on a decade of experiences acquired by people who are themselves core members of this community, and extends this collaboration to stakeholders who can turn the community knowledge…
ANSWER: Artistic-Notation-based Software Engineering for Film, Animation and Computer Games
A new approach to the creative process of film and game production ANSWER assists the creative artist to record a distilled, clear, accurate description of the media she wishes to create. The project will produce a notion system (DirectorNotation) for describing the creation of multimedia content. This will offer a…
SECOVIA: South East Europe jointly developed COmmon advanced VIrtual Accessibility solutions to support public services
SECOVIA project promotes jointly developed, advanced IT solutions that harvest the benefits of cloud computing to support access to shared public IT services, resources & infrastructures and tackle the digital divide among SEE territories. SECOVIA is a South East Europe (SEE) Transnational Cooperation Programme project and it started as scheduled…
HPC-EUROPA2: Pan-European Research infrastructure on High Performance Computing for 21st century Science
The main objective of HPC-Europa2 is to continue the provision of a high quality service for transnational access to the advanced HPC systems available in Europe. This activity has been available on an ongoing basis as a highly-rated and trusted service for almost two decades. The HPC-Europa2 partnership includes as…
OpenScienceLink: Open Semantically-enabled, Social-aware Access to Scientific Data
OpenScienceLink will introduce and pilot a holistic approach to the publication, sharing, linking, review and evaluation of research results, based on the open access to scientific information. OpenScienceLink will pilot a range of novel services that could alleviate the lack of structured data journals and associated data models, the weaknesses…
ARTIST: Advanced software-based seRvice provisioning and migraTIon of legacy Software
Successful software has to evolve to keep it compatible and up to date. Up to 90% of software cost is spent on maintenance and of this 75% is spent on the development of new features for staying competitive. The industry progresses through periods of incremental development interlaced with true paradigm…
Consensus: Multi-Objective Decision Making Tools through Citizen Engagement
Every real-world planning problem, especially in governance and policy-making, possesses several objectives that are typically subject to inherent conflicts with underlying tradeoffs to be discovered. Policy makers are in need of proper tools that will utilize an overall analytical process, that is, assist in modelling the real-world planning process, automatically…
BonFIRE: Building service testbeds on FIRE
BonFIRE will design, build and operate a multi-site Cloud prototype FIRE facility to support research across applications, services and systems at all stages of the R&D lifecycle, targeting the services research community on Future Internet. The BonFIRE vision is to give researchers in these areas access to a facility that…
CoherentPaaS: A Coherent and Rich PaaS with a Common Programming Model
Cloud data management, Big Data and the Internet of Things raise specific challenges with respect to scalable data management, both in real-time and offline. Big Data analytics puts the emphasis on large queries over big cloud data stores. The emerging Internet of Things applications also raise specific challenges with respect…
COSMOS: Cultivate resilient smart Objects for Sustainable city applicatiOnS
In a world of multi-stakeholder information and assets provision on top of millions of real-time interacting and communicating things, COSMOS aims at enhancing the sustainability of smart city applications by allowing IoT based systems to reach their full potential. COSMOS will enable things to evolve and act in a more…
EXPERIMEDIA: EXPERiments in live social and networked MEDIA experiences
Offering collective and participative experiences to real-world and online communities is at the heart of the Future Media Internet (FMI) and will form an essential part of entertainment, education, collaborative working, product and service innovation and advertising. Communities involved potentially include hundreds of professionals, tens of thousands at live public…
LeanBigData: Ultra-Scalable and Ultra-Efficient Integrated and Visual Big Data Analytics
LeanBigData aims at addressing three open challenges in big data analytics: 1) The cost, in terms of resources, of scaling big data analytics for streaming and static data sources; 2) The lack of integration of existing big data management technologies and their high response time; 3) The insufficient end-user support…
ORBIT: Business Continuity as a Service
More and more areas of public life become dependent on availability of Internet based services. Banks, logistics, travel, sales and media – to name a few – are severely disrupted when hit by service outages. In August 2012 a lightning strike hit AWS EC2 Ireland, bringing down Amazon’s only European…
SAM: Dynamic Social and Media Content Syndication for 2nd Screen
The SAM project enables consumers to “socialise around media”, via their second screens, where they are fed with relevant digital content created once and fully syndicated to all for maximum impact. Today people use “2nd screen” tablets or smartphones while watching their “1st screen” – typically a TV. They engage…
SUPER: Social sensors for secUrity Assessments and Proactive EmeRgencies management
“Social media (SM) statistics during recent disasters (e.g., the 20 million tweets relating to «Sandy» storm and the sharing of related photos in Instagram at a rate of 10/sec) provide tangible evidence that security forces and civil protection agencies could greatly benefit from the effective blending of SM information into…
Title: Social sensors for secUrity Assessments and Proactive EmeRgencies management Acronym: SUPER URL: http://super-fp7.eu/ Abstract: SUPER is a joint effort of social media experts (including social network providers) and security experts (including security and civil protection agencies), towards introducing a holistic, integrated and privacy-friendly approach to the use of social…

Title: Ultra-Scalable and Ultra-Efficient Integrated and Visual Big Data Analytics Acronym: LeanBigData URL: http://leanbigdata.eu Abstract: LeanBigData targets at building an ultra-scalable and ultra-efficient integrated big data platform addressing important open issues in big data analytics. Current big data infrastructure scale to large amounts of data and system sizes, however, in…

Title: Pan-European Research infrastructure on High Performance Computing for 21st century Science Acronym: HPC-Europa2 URL: http://www.hpc-europa.org Abstract: HPC-Europa2’s Transnational Access programme offered European-based computational scientists the opportunity to travel to another country to work in collaboration with researchers in a similar field, while having access to some of the most…

Title: Pan-European Research Infrastructure on High Performance Computing Acronym: HPC-Europa URL: http://www.hpc-europa.org Abstract: HPC-EUROPA was an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative operated by six leading HPC centres and five centres of excellence working on research on HPC tools and methods. The fundamental aim of the project was to provide advanced computational services…

Title: Service Level Agreement – Legal and Open Model Acronym: SLALOM URL: http://slalom-project.eu/ Abstract: SLALOM was a support action tackling the complexity of cloud computing SLAs and contracts through standardisation of the SLA and contract terms and a reference model for SLA management. In doing so it supported the adoption…

Title: Effective collaboration for European RD and Innovation in software, services and Cloud computing: Knowledge discovery and Roadmapping Acronym: HOLA CLOUD URL: http://www.holacloud.eu/ Abstract: HOLA CLOUD targeted to establish effective mechanisms for efficient collaboration among the members of the software, services and Cloud computing community building on a decade of…

Title: HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making Acronym: HarmonicSS URL: http://harmonicss.eu/ Abstract: HarmonicSS vision is to create an International Network and Alliance of partners and cohorts, entrusted with the mission of addressing the…

Title: ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well Acronym: ACTIVAGE Abstract: ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries, reusing and scaling up…

Title: Efficient Patient Recruitment for Innovative Clinical Trials of Existing Drugs to Other Indications Acronym: PONTE URL: http://ponte-project.eu/ Abstract: PONTE aimed at providing a platform following a SOA-based and Semantic approach that would offer automatic intelligent selection of patients eligible to participate within well-specified clinical trials for drug repositioning. It…

Title: Business Experiments in Grid Acronym: BEinGRID URL: http://www.beingrid.eu/ Abstract: BEinGRID focused around two complementary activities. Firstly, the project undertook a series of targeted business experiment pilots designed to implement and deploy Grid solutions in a broad spectrum of European business sectors. Eighteen business experiments were planned in the initial…

Title: Future of Identity in the Information Society Acronym: FIDIS URL: http://www.fidis.net/ Abstract: This project introduced an approach to the general term of identity from different sectors, including technology, economy, law and sociology. Technologies such as RFIDs, biometric systems as well as various trust, confidentiality, privacy and security mechanisms were…

Title: Personalised Leisure and Entertainment over Cross Media Intelligent Platforms Acronym: POLYMNIA URL: http://polymnia.pc.unicatt.it/index.html Abstract: POLYMNIA aimed at developing an intelligent cross-media platform for personalised leisure and entertainment in thematic parks or venues. The developed system allowed the visitor to be the real protagonist in the venue. POLYMNIA catered for…

Title: Open Semantically-enabled, Social-aware Access to Scientific Data Acronym: OpenScienceLink URL: http://opensciencelink.org/ Abstract: OpenScienceLink introduced and piloted a holistic approach to the publication, sharing, linking, review and evaluation of research results, based on the open access to scientific information. OpenScienceLink piloted a range of novel services that could alleviate the…

Title: South East Europe jointly developed common advanced virtual accessibility solutions to support public services Acronym: SECOVIA URL: http://www.secovia.eu/ Abstract: SECOVIA promoted jointly developed, advanced virtual accessibility solutions that address the geographic and socio-economic specificities of South East Europe by harvesting the benefits of cloud computing to support access to…
Title: Data-Intensive applications improvement by moving daTA and computation in mixed cloud/fog environmentS Acronym: DITAS (H2020-ICT-06-2016 (a) – Cloud Computing- Jan 2017-Dec2019) URL: http://www.ditas-project.eu/ Abstract: Current applications are eager to acquire and consume more and more amounts of data coming from distributed heterogeneous devices and sources, specially for IoT and…
Title: A Coherent and Rich PaaS with a Common Programming Model Acronym: CoherentPaaS (Grant agreement no: 611068 – Oct 2013-Sept2016) URL: http://coherentpaas.eu/ Abstract: In the cloud computing landscape it has, by today, been established that there is “no one size fits all”. This has resulted in a blooming of domain…

Title: Big data meeting Cloud and IoT for empowering the citizen clout in smart cities URL: http://bigclout.eu/ Abstract: BigClouT project will in particular make use of today’s three key technologic enablers, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and big data, for the objective of increasing the efficiency in using urban…

Title: Rapid Deployment for Intelligent Cities and Living URL: http://www.radical-project.eu Abstract: RADICAL will ease the fast creation of interoperable and socially‐aware services, by leveraging Internet of Things and Social Networking technologies, emerging from the results of four R&D EU‐funded projects: SmartSantander, BonFIRE, SocIoS, and +Spaces. A number of services will…

Title: Access to knowledge through the Grid in a mobile world Abstract: The vision of Akogrimo was a world in which: •Grid services, pervasively available, eventually meet the ‘everywhere at any time in any context’ paradigm; •Grid services (comprising personalised knowledge and semantics) allow for fixed, nomadic and mobile citizens…

Title: Grid resources for Industrial Applications Abstract: The aim of the GRIA project has been to increase the usability of grids for businesses and industrial users. GRIA devised business models and processes that make it feasible and cost-effective to offer and use computational services, securely, in an open grid marketplace.…
Other Projects
HPC-EUROPA: Pan-European Research Infrastucture on High Performance Computing (http://www.hpc-europa.org/?q=node/3) GRIA: Grid Resources for Industrial Applications (http://www.gria.org/) GridLab: A Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed (http://www.gridlab.org/) MARIDES: Maritime Decision Support Systems The project targets to the integration of state-of-the-art technologies with operation business models followed by shipping companies and the development of…

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