CHALLENGERS SSA aims to provide the framework that will support the gathering and consultation work of a group of experts from the research and business community with well established experience and deep knowledge in the area of Grid technologies.
The focus of the consultation work will be:
-The Forward Looking Technologies (FLT) related to the Grids, their association and dependency with the advances with other well established or emerging ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
-The Vision and Challenges in the area of Grids for the coming decade
-The potential impact of the realization of the Vision in the industrial and business sector
The expected outcome to be delivered by the CHALLENGERS working group, as a result of the aforementioned work will be:
-To consolidate and describe the vision of the research community for the Grids technology for the coming decade in a tangible manner
-To increase awareness of the next decade vision for Grids among researchers of different but complementary or converging disciplines
-To introduce and recommend a Research Agenda and a roadmap of key technology challenges, with prioritized topics, which will be considered as the advisory tools for paving the way towards the realization of the next decade Grid vision.
-To assess the business, economic and societal impact contributed by tomorrows Grid technology, in conjunction and convergence with other key ICT
-Address the needs of critical infrastructures, public safety and security applications and life improvement
The added value of CHALLENGERS, stems from the fact that the project follows a ‘bottom-up’ approach to focus on specific problems related to risk management and life improvement. Moreover the underlying spirit of “Against Mainstream Research” in the overall objectives of the project renders realistic its ambitious long-term scope, allowing investigation of research approaches/areas in an intentionally disruptive manner.